Ausgewählte Publikationen
Klaus L. Meyer
Fechtner T, Stallmann S, Moelleken K, Meyer KL, Hegemann JH Characterization of the interaction between the chlamydial adhesin OmcB and the human host cell.
Margret Ehlers, Claudia Papewalis, Wiebke Stenzel, Benedikt Jacobs, Klaus L. Meyer, René Deenen, Holger S. Willenberg, Sven Schinner, Annette Thiel, Werner A. Scherbaum, Evelyn Ullrich, Laurence Zitvogel, and Matthias Schott Immunoregulatory Natural Killer Cells Suppress Autoimmunity by Down-Regulating Antigen-Specific CD8+ T Cells in Mice. Endocrinology. First published ahead of print June 25, 2012 as doi:10.1210/en.2012-1247
Irina Semkova, Philipp S. Muether, Mark Kuebbeler, Klaus L. Meyer, Norbert Kociok and Antonia M. Joussen Recruitment of blood-derived inflammatory cells mediated via Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α receptor 1b exacerbates CNV Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. First published on December 22, 2010; DOI: 10.1167/iovs.10-5996
Philipp S. Muether, Irina Semkova, Kristina Schmidt, Elizabeth Abari, Marc Kuebbeler, Marc Beyer, Hinrich Abken, Klaus L. Meyer, Norbert Kociok, and Antonia M. Joussen Conditions of Retinal Glial and Inflammatory Cell Activation Following Irradiation in a GFP-Chimeric Mouse Model Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. September 2010 51: 4831-4839; DOI:10.1167/iovs.09-4923
S. Santourlidis, H.I. Trompeter, S. Weinhold, B. Eisermann, K. L. Meyer, P. Wernet and M. Uhrberg Crucial role of DNA methylation in determination of clonally distributed killer cell Ig-like receptor expression patterns in NK cells. The Journal of Immunology, 169, 4253-4261, 2002
S. Steffens, S. Frank, U. Fischer, C. Heuser, K. L. Meyer, K.-U. Dobberstein, N. G. Rainov, and C. M. Kramm Enhanced green fluorescent protein fusion proteins of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase and cytochrome P450 4B1: Applications for prodrug-activating gene therapy Cancer Gene Therapy, 7, 806, 2000
U. Tartler, K.-D. Krönke, K. L. Meyer, C. V. Suschek, and V. Kolb-Bachofen Nitric Oxide Interferes with Islet Cell Zinc Homeostasis Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, 4, 609, 2000
- K.L. Meyer Biological and Laser Safety In: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting, Second Edition, Editor A. Radbruch, Springer Verlag (2000)
- C. Göttlinger, B. Mechtold, K.L. Meyer and A. Radbruch Setup of a Flow Sorter In: Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting, Second Edition, Editor A. Radbruch, Springer Verlag (2000)
D. Berendji, V. Kolb Bachofen, K. L. Meyer, and K.-D. Kröncke Infuence of Nitric Oxide on the intranuclear Reduced Glutathione Pool: Different Cellular Capacities and Strategies to Encounter Nitric Oxide-Mediated Stress Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 27, 773, 1999
- D. Berendji, V. Kolb-Bachofen, K. L. Meyer, O. Grapenthin, H. Weber, V. Wahn and K.-D. KrönckeNitric oxide mediates intracytoplasmic and intranuclear zinc release FEBS Letters 405, 37, 1997
- K. Fehsel, K.-D. Kröncke, K. L. Meyer, H. Huber, V. Wahn, and V. Kolb-BachofenNitric Oxide Induces Apoptosis in Mouse Thymocytes The Journal of Immunology 155, 2858, 1995
- C.H.W. Armbrecht, M. Liers, K.L. Meyer, R. Willers, H. Jablonowski, O. Adams, V. Wahn Purified IgG Isolated from HIV-Infected Individuals Inhibits IL2-Dependent Proliferation of Purified CD4+ T Cells AIDS-Forschung 8, 367, 1993, Heft 7
V. Wahn, S. Yokota, K.L. Meyer, J.W.G. Janssen, T.E. Hansen-Hagge, C. Knobloch, H. Stein, W. Friedrich and C.R. Bartram Expansation of a maternally derived monoclonal T cell population with CD3+/CD8+/T cell receptor-cd+ phenotype in a child with severe combined immunodeficiency The Journal of Immunology 147, 2934, 1991
- Klaus L. Meyer Isolierung von Antikörpern gegen Zelloberflächenantigene mit Hilfe des Fluoreszenz-aktivierten Zell-SortierersDiplomarbeit, Köln, 1987
C. Göttlinger, K.L. Meyer, W. Weichel, W. Müller, B. Raftery and A. Radbruch Cell-cooling in flow cytometry by Peltier elements. Cytometry 7, 295, 1986